Your translation navigator


  • We speak to terminology expert Franz Steiner: “Despite all the challenges, terminology management is (mostly) lots of fun!”
    9 March 2023 in Process optimization

    Part of Franz Steiner’s role as Senior Coordinator for Software Localization in product and system documentation at AVL List in Graz, a world leader in mobility technology, includes responsibility for terminology management. He talks to us about his experiences establishing a successful terminology management system.

  • Using plug-ins to translate Drupal websites: texts in multiple languages are just a few clicks away
    23 February 2023 in Buying translations

    Do you like the idea of getting Drupal content translated quickly? You can – and it’s easy! Plug-in solutions allow you to choose pages and send them to your translation agency at the touch of a button, and then the translated pages are sent straight back to Drupal.

  • How to make sure you get the right translation interface
    14 February 2023 in Buying translations

    Anyone who’s interested in automating the translation process is inevitably confronted with the issue of interfaces and the wide range of customizable options. There are various solutions depending on the system you use, so before getting down to brass tacks and thinking about actually setting up the interface with your agency, you should clarify...

  • “An ISO 13485 certified translation agency offers added value for any medical device manufacturer”
    14 February 2023 in Buying translations

    Andreas Aichinger MSc is an independent auditor for medical technology. He speaks to us about the impacts of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and the In Vitro Diagnostic Device Regulation (IVDR) on manufacturers and distributors, focusing on how they relate to translations and the ISO 13485 standard.

  • The latest trends and developments in the translation industry
    26 January 2023 in What matters most

    Where is the translation industry going? It’s a question MEINRAD’s founder and CEO Meinrad Reiterer is eager to explore. During his 30 years as a translation service provider, the picture has changed considerably. Recently he has identified a clear trend towards machine translation and interfaces which enable agile integration of client systems...

  • Life science translations: Lara Tosoni on how to get high-quality results
    24 January 2023 in Buying translations

    Medicine, medical technology and pharmaceuticals are fast-growing industries subject to stringent regulations. That brings with it an increase in content to be created as products and devices go around the world, and clearly that means translations will be needed for the various target markets. The life science sector poses specific challenges and...

  • An interview with Martina König: “There’s nothing unsexy or dull about technical documentation”
    24 January 2023 in Buying translations

    Martina König is a lecturer at the Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Graz, where she runs the part-time “Technical Documentation” Master’s course. We speak to her about this course, the challenges and variety of working as a technical editor, the trends in technical documentation, and why it’s so important for technical editors to have a...

  • It’s (not just) about language: 8 additional factors to look out for when evaluating a translation agency
    24 January 2023 in Buying translations

    When choosing a translation agency, many people use test translations to decide which agency to work with. But if you have large amounts of text to be translated and need additional services and support managing your projects, you should also evaluate an agency’s technical expertise and the professionalism of their working methods – in the long...

  • Word perfect: 7 steps for effective terminology management
    11 January 2023 in Process optimization

    They say the first step is the hardest, and introducing terminology management is no exception. But it will pay off. Not only does it help internal and external communication, but it will also reduce how much you pay for translations. If you’re not sure where to start, these seven steps will help you manage your terminology more effectively.