Signed, sealed, delivered: agreements with translation agencies26 January 2021 in Buying translations
Sensible, well-thought-out framework agreements make working with a translation agency every day much clearer and simpler. The more you plan ahead, the less frustration you’ll have to deal with later. Here’s some advice and top tips from our experience to help you create framework agreements that actually give you added value, rather than...
All in one: why it’s often worth putting all your translation eggs in one basket26 January 2021 in Buying translations
It seems obvious that using multiple language service providers can spread the risk, and it may be tempting to give each new project to the cheapest provider. But be warned: you’ll be throwing away the savings you could be making from translation memories, and increasing the likelihood of inconsistent translations.
Small words make a big difference: why terminology management shouldn’t be the poor relation at your business3 December 2020 in Process optimization
Terminology management is a word that can send a shiver down people’s spines – “time-consuming”, “stressful” and “complicated” are just three of the words often used to describe it. But it doesn’t have to be! Smart systems can make managing terminology simple and efficient from the start, improving your internal and external communication...
Text check: which types of texts are suitable for machine translation?19 November 2020 in Machine Translation
Google Translate and other machine translation (MT) engines are becoming more and more popular, so it’s no surprise many businesses who need translations are asking whether MT is right for them. It’s quicker and cheaper, so it seems like a no-brainer, but there’s a catch: not all types of texts are suitable for pre-translation with MT engines. We...
How to save money and boost productivity in your translation department5 November 2020 in Process optimization
In a challenging economic climate, lots of businesses are having to tighten their belts in order to survive. Cost-saving measures can have a big impact across the board, including at in-house translation departments. The translation team is often one of the first departments to be targeted for outsourcing and redundancies – but there’s a lot you...
How intelligent interfaces can simplify translation management4 November 2020 in Buying translations
You can’t see them, but they have an enormous impact: we’re talking about interfaces in the translation process. Customized solutions and connectivity allow clients to send texts to their translation agency and get them back in an automated process without requiring any human intervention – saving both time and stress.
Good things take time: how long will I have to wait for my translation?4 November 2020 in Buying translations
The world of business runs on deadlines. In our industry, the time available to produce translations depends on when the text is supplied by the client and when they need to publish it – sometimes, when asked when they need it back, the answer is “yesterday”. But how long does a translation actually take, and what factors are involved?
The smart way to compare quotes from language service providers4 November 2020 in Buying translations
If you don’t know the technical jargon, it can be difficult to decide which translation services to buy – the calculation methods and services packages vary enormously. And you can’t rely on price as an indicator of how good the translation will be. So it pays to look closely at how a potential translation service provider works, what you’re...
Best practice: how to make the most of in-country reviews3 November 2020 in Process optimization
Many businesses prefer to get the staff at their sites in other countries to review the translations produced by translation agencies. In itself it’s a good idea, as these staff know their target market better than anyone else and are therefore the best people to optimize the translations – but there are a few things to bear in mind to ensure...