How to find the translation agency that’s right for you

Written by Meinrad Reiterer | 7 October 2022

Translation agencies are ten a penny – just google “translation agency” and you’ll quickly see how hard it can be to choose between them. So how do you find the perfect partner, and how can you scrutinize how they work to ensure you make the right decision?

Looking for a translation agency can be like looking for love: it isn’t easy to make the right choice and find a partner with whom you can imagine a future together. But there are four steps which can help you separate the wheat from the chaff:

Step 1: Get all the freely available information you can

Step 2: Download their content and read it

Step 3: Meet the agency in person

Step 4: Arrange an in-depth chat

Read the agency’s website and blog posts

There’s a reason websites are considered the digital calling card of a business, and it’s no different for translation agencies. We recommend that you take the time to read through a potential translation partner’s website to get a first impression of the business (everyone knows how important that is), and that you look for information – whether explicitly stated or hidden between the lines – in their blog posts. Even blog posts about generic translation issues can contain valuable clues about an agency’s working methods and the philosophy they follow. And ideally there’ll be some case studies, specific examples of how the agency works and what other companies have been able to do with their help, which are worth reading. Unless you’re in a hurry, we also recommend signing up for their newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news. Don’t worry if it feels a bit like stalking: get all the information you can!

» Read the MEINRAD blog

Download the agency’s content and read it carefully

If you get a positive first impression and want to find out even more about your potential translation partner, you should take a look at the downloads available on their websites – which could be E-books, podcasts, videos or other content. They can also give you helpful insights into how the agency works, and how a working relationship might be structured.

» Take a look at the MEINRAD downloads

Meet the potential translation agency to get a personal impression

Like what you see and hear? Then the next step is to get a personal impression of them (without making too much of a song and dance about it), and that’s where networking events, online or in real life, can be invaluable. Maybe you’ve heard about an event where the agency will be in attendance via social media or in their newsletter – use that opportunity and try to meet the people behind the business. It’s important to be on the same wavelength if you’re looking for a long-term partnership, as this will make working together much easier and more enjoyable. Bear in mind that you could be working very closely together, depending on how much you need to get translated and your other requirements.

» Get to know the people behind MEINRAD

Arrange an in-depth chat with the translation agency

The best way to get to know people is to talk to them, so we recommend arranging an in-depth, no obligation chat. To get as much out of it as possible, you should prepare for thoroughly and ask the potential partner specific questions, ideally in advance. That way, the agency can cater to your individual needs more effectively. Tell them what you’re expecting from the conversation, and let them know beforehand if you’d like to see a demonstration, e.g. of their online terminology tool or the MT self-service portal. And while you’re there, ask about the structure of the working relationship and the onboarding process. If you know what you’re looking for, this chat can make clear whether the partnership is right for you. 




Main image: © Rene Knabl